Leadership Bismarck-Mandan

Leadership Bismarck-Mandan engages emerging leaders
in local business and community issues.
Chamber EDC Staff Representative
Summer Sturm
(The Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Committee works to develop local leaders who actively participate in and support community progress.)
Who Participates?
Up to 20 participants are chosen each year by a committee based
on the following criteria:
• Interest in the community’s well-being
• Willingness to be involved in community service
• Potential for community leadership
• Ability to devote time and energy to the program
• Previous community involvement
How You Benefit?
As a participant, you’ll gain an inside look at the inner workings of our community and develop a better understanding of the future challenges that Bismarck-Mandan is currently facing. As a graduate of the program, you’ll become part of a network of community leaders and be recognized for your willingness/ability to contribute to community life!
Highlights of the Program:
• Introductory full-day retreat
• Group field project presentations
• Wrap-up facilitation focusing on commitment to leadership
• Graduation ceremony & reception

About the Program:
Bismarck-Mandan’s future is directly tied to the quality of our leadership. Communitites need people who are informed about local issues, are willing to stand up for forward-thinking action, and are effective in serving on volunteer committees and organizations. That’s why the Chamber EDC created the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. By going through this program, you’ll strengthen your leadership skills, broaden your understanding of local issues, connect with community resources & contacts, build mentoring relationships with current leaders, all while having FUN! Most importantly, you’ll gain skills & opportunities that will equip you to serve both your community and your business as a leader.
Issue Days:
Participants delve into today’s most compelling issues. Industry experts lead stimulating “Issue Day” sessions throughout the duration of the program on topics relevant to Bismarck-Mandan and its future. Faculty consists of local civic, community, and business leaders. (Majority of the 13 Issue Days run from 8:30am–1:30pm, so that participants can avoid missing full days of work.)
Apply Today!
• Member Tuition: $650.00
• Non-Member Tuition: $700.00
• You will receive a confirmation email within one week.
• One letter of reference from your supervisor is required.
(Use the “Leadership Applicant Supervisor Referral” form below.)
• Deadline for application and letter of reference is Aug. 1st, 2024.
(All applicants will be notified of acceptance status by Sept. 1st.)
Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association
The Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (LBMAA) is made up of graduates from the Chamber EDC’s Leadership Program. This program has been in existence for more than 25 years with the goal to improve our communities through our collective leadership efforts.
LBMAA expands on the Leadership Program by offering continued training, volunteer, and networking opportunities to its members. We are active in Chamber EDC activities, serve on the boards and committees of many nonprofit organizations, and volunteer in numerous roles.
If you wish to pay your membership dues online, please click here.
To learn more about LBMAA, please visit lbmaa.org.

Leadership Bismarck-Mandan is a member of the Association of Leadership Programs.
This organization strives to advance the effectiveness ofleadership programs and professionals throughout the United States.
For more information, visit www.alpleaders.org.